Essential Takeaways:

  • Personalized TCM Treatment: TCM treats fibroids by identifying specific patterns of imbalance rather than a single diagnosis, allowing for personalized treatment plans.

  • Flavors and Patterns: Different flavors target specific patterns. For example, bitter, spicy, sour, and slightly sweet flavors all have different effects on the body.

  • East Meets West: Modern research supports TCM dietary recommendations for managing fibroids, confirming their effectiveness.

Managing fibroids can be challenging, but Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers natural and effective dietary and herbal solutions to help you navigate this journey. For an introduction to fibroids, see our Elix Guide to Fibroids. We also have an article on How Chinese Herbs Support Uterine Fibroids, but today, we are here to discuss a dietary approach to uterine fibroids. 

TCM Approach to Supporting Uterine Fibroids

In TCM we problem solve using patterns instead of a western medicine diagnosis (i.e. fibroids). A pattern is a specific imbalance or disharmony within the body. Patterns are identified based on a combination of symptoms, signs, and the state of the body's energy flow (Qi). Understanding your unique pattern helps determine the root cause of your health issues and tailor an herbal formula to address it effectively. This means two different people with fibroids may be treated entirely differently, which is why Elix tailors your Cycle Balance formulas to your unique set of patterns. 

Common Patterns seen with Fibroids:
  • Blood Stagnation: When your blood stops moving freely, it can congeal and create masses, like uterine fibroids.
  • Qi Stagnation: Qi is your vital energy. When Qi stagnates, it stops moving freely and creates a physiological traffic jam, leading to fibroids.
  • Phlegm-Dampness: This is an accumulation of internal “mucus” that can create uterine masses, like fibroids.
  • Qi Deficiency: This deficiency creates an environment where there’s not enough energy to move Qi and Blood, resulting in fibroids.
Foods to Eat for Each Pattern:

Blood Stagnation:

  • Beets: To support blood circulation and vitality.
  • Dark Leafy Greens: Such as kale and spinach for their high iron content.
  • Cherries: For their blood-tonifying properties.
  • Black Beans: To nourish and vitalize blood.

Qi Stagnation:

  • Citrus Fruits: Such as oranges and lemons to help move Qi.
  • Mint: To soothe and disperse stagnant Qi.
  • Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in Qi movement.
  • Green Tea: To help move Qi and support liver function.


  • Radishes: To help clear dampness and phlegm.
  • Barley: For its drying effect on dampness.
  • Pumpkin Seeds: To transform phlegm and support digestion.
  • Ginger: To warm the digestive system and resolve dampness.

Qi Deficiency:

  • Sweet Potatoes: To tonify and strengthen Qi.
  • Oats: For their Qi-boosting properties.
  • Chicken: As a warming and nourishing protein source.
  • Mushrooms: Such as shiitake and reishi to support overall energy levels.
Flavors That Matter:

Flavors of foods can help indicate what patterns they treat. Most fibroid cases include the pattern of blood stagnation, so it is always important to consider the  flavors that address blood stagnation and nourish the blood. These are bitter, spicy, sour, and slightly sweet. Examples include all fermented foods, green leafy veggies, and seaweeds. Animal protein, dairy, and certain grains – like corn and wheat – should be limited, eaten in small portions, and balanced with blood-vitalizing foods to support liver function and circulation.

For Qi Stagnation: Flavors such as spicy and aromatic can help move stagnant Qi. Include foods like ginger, garlic, and cinnamon in your diet.

For Phlegm-Dampness: Flavors that are pungent and warm can help resolve dampness. Include foods like radishes, mustard greens, and horseradish.

For Qi Deficiency: Sweet and warm flavors can help tonify and support Qi. Include foods like sweet potatoes, oats, and chicken in your meals.

Foods to Avoid for all Fibroid Patterns:
  1. Processed Foods: These can exacerbate inflammation and hormone imbalances.
  2. Red Meat: High in saturated fats, which can increase estrogen levels.
  3. Caffeine and Alcohol: Can disrupt hormonal balance and liver function.
East Meets West Approach

One of the most fascinating things about TCM, is while these patterns sound entirely different than how we are used to speaking about the body, contemporary research backs up these same suggestions. For more information on what biomedical research has to say about why these approaches support fibroids, check out these articles from University of Chicago’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and The Cleveland Clinic. Additionally, the Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy, has put together an extensive research-back guide to easing fibroids symptoms with diet.

Solutions, Not Stress!

Dietary changes should not become stressful. The diet should feel approachable, maybe even fun! You can still eat meat and dairy, but portions and pairings matter. A simple ramen, for example, balances meat with rice noodles and lots of vegetables. Switching to goat or sheep’s dairy and opting for fermented dairy like kefir can be better for digestion, which is key in overall health and overcoming stubborn patterns. 

Let Us Help You 

Incorporating the right foods into your diet is just one part of the equation. Here Elix, we offer personalized health coaching with licensed TCM practitioners to guide you through your journey to better health. Our experts will help you address your unique TCM patterns by using diet, herbs, and lifestyle changes. Book here today!

Try Cycle Balance Now

This article was reviewed by Dr. Elizabeth Fine.

Dr. Elizabeth Fine is currently the Dean of Clinical Education at Emperor’s College, the #2 ranked colleges for TCM. She has been practicing Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for over 20 years, with a specialization in women’s reproductive health.


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