How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Can Support PCOS

Essential Takeaways:

  • TCM offers holistic support for PCOS, particularly during the challenging transition off birth control.

  • Clinical studies show that TCM approaches like acupuncture and herbal medicine can effectively manage symptoms of PCOS, such as hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance.

  • Elix Healing’s personalized herbal formula, Cycle Balance, is rooted in TCM principles with a combination of Chinese herbs such as Angelica (Dang Gui) and White Peony (Bai Shao) to support the symptoms people with PCOS often report.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent condition, affecting around 15% of reproductive-age women worldwide. Despite its widespread impact, PCOS remains notoriously difficult to diagnose, with 70% of affected women going undiagnosed, often leading to frustration and confusion for those who experience its symptoms. There isn’t even a consensus in the medical community about the causes of PCOS even though it was first diagnosed almost 100 years ago. The complexity of PCOS lies in its wide range of symptoms, which can vary significantly from one person to another. This variability can make it challenging for healthcare providers to identify the condition accurately, often resulting in delayed diagnoses or misdiagnoses.

As more individuals turn to holistic approaches to manage their health, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has emerged as a promising alternative for supporting PCOS. It can also be used to enhance conventional western medicine treatment. 

Stopping Birth Control with PCOS

Hormonal birth control is often prescribed to manage the symptoms of PCOS, such as irregular periods, acne, and hirsutism (excessive hair growth). However, these medications do not address the root cause of PCOS let alone all of its symptoms. When women with PCOS stop taking birth control, they often experience a return of symptoms. This may include:

  • An increase in androgen levels
  • Return of menstrual irregularities
  • Worsening of hirsutism and acne

It's important to note that the experience can vary from person to person, and the severity and timing of symptom return can differ. This is where TCM can be a successful complementary management strategy when going off birth control.

How to Regulate your Period with PCOS

TCM offers a holistic approach to managing PCOS, especially during the delicate transition off of birth control. By restoring balance within the body, TCM aims to address the root causes of PCOS rather than just alleviating the symptoms, so your period and hormones are regulated. 

Balancing Hormones with PCOS

Studies have shown that using TCM herbal therapies can help those with PCOS (with fewer side effects) by: 

  • Reducing insulin levels
  • Regulating cholesterol levels 
  • Increasing ovulation and pregnancy rates
  • Regulating hormone levels 
  • Improving menstrual regularity 
PCOS and Stopping Birth Control to Conceive

A meta-analysis of 8 trials involving 537 patients found that those who combined Chinese herbs with letrozole had better outcomes compared to those who only took letrozole. The group who did both experienced: 

  • Higher ovulation rates 
  • Increased pregnancy rates 
  • Better symptom relief 
  • Lower body mass index 
  • Lower LH/FSH ratio 
Chinese Medicine for PCOS Symptom Management
  1. Regulating Hormonal Imbalances:

Recent studies have demonstrated that acupuncture can help normalize hormone levels in women with PCOS. A clinical trial in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism found that electroacupuncture decreased circulating testosterone levels and improved menstrual frequency in women with PCOS. 

  1. Managing Insulin Resistance:

Insulin resistance is a common issue in women with PCOS. Several studies have shown that acupuncture and herbal medicine can improve insulin sensitivity in PCOS patients. One study published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine found that electroacupuncture improved insulin sensitivity through upregulation of the IRS-1/PI3K/GLUT4 signaling pathway.

  1. Enhancing Ovulation and Fertility:

PCOS can contribute to a lack of ovulation, making the condition a leading cause of infertility. A review of 9 clinical trials involving 736 PCOS patients found that the Chinese herbal formula Xiao Yao San (the inspiration behind Elix’s Daily Harmony), when used alongside conventional medicines:

  • Improved ovulation rates by 2.45 times
  • Increased pregnancy rates by 2.65 times
  • Decreased fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance
Chinese Herbs for PCOS 

At Elix, we've taken this traditional wisdom and enhanced it for modern needs. Our healing Daily Harmony formula is inspired by Xiao Yao San, but we've supercharged it with powerful adaptogens like astragalus and reishi. Here's why this matters for PCOS management:

  1. PCOS often leads to elevated cortisol levels, your body's primary stress hormone.
  2. Chronic high cortisol can exacerbate PCOS symptoms and make stress management more challenging.
  3. Adaptogens help your body build resilience to stress, potentially mitigating the impact of high cortisol levels.

Daily Harmony offers a comprehensive approach to PCOS management. It's designed not just to address the reproductive symptoms of PCOS but also to help your body become more resilient to the stressors that can worsen the condition. 

Best Supplements for PCOS 

Cycle Balance, Elix’s personalized formula, takes into consideration your specific patterns of imbalance (or as we say root cause) to create a customized formula to support your unique  symptoms and the why behind them. Your Cycle Balance formula may consist of two herbs that are frequently used in TCM formulas for PCOS, Dang Gui and Bai Shao, also known as Chinese Angelica and White Peony.

Herbs for PCOS 

Dang Gui (Angelica)

Dang Gui is a key herb in many TCM formulas for women's health. It's known for its ability to nourish blood and regulate menstruation, which can be particularly beneficial for women with PCOS who often experience irregular periods. 

Clinically Dang Gui is used to:

  • Promote blood circulation to the uterus
  • Help regulate menstrual cycles
  • Have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
  • Potentially improve ovarian function

Bai Shao

Bai Shao, or White Peony, is another crucial herb in TCM formulas for PCOS. It's known for its ability to nourish blood, reduce pain, and calm liver yang, which in TCM theory is often associated with hormonal imbalances.

Bai Shao has demonstrated to:

  • Have anti-androgenic effects, potentially helping to reduce excess hair growth and acne
  • Improve insulin sensitivity
  • Help regulate menstrual cycles
  • Have anti-inflammatory properties

        Synergistic Effects of Dang Gui and Bai Shao 

        In TCM, these herbs are often used together in formulas for PCOS. The combination of Dang Gui and Bai Shao and other herbs can create a synergistic effect that simultaneously addresses multiple aspects of PCOS. For example:

        • They work together to nourish blood and regulate menstruation
        • Bai Shao's anti-androgenic effects complement Dang Gui's ability to improve ovarian function
        • Their combined anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce the chronic low-grade inflammation often associated with PCOS.
          How Elix Can Help

          At Elix, we are committed to offering science-backed, customized herbal formulas that align with the principles of TCM. Our formulas, such as Cycle Balance and Daily Harmony, have supported women with PCOS, and can be particularly beneficial at the time of transitioning off birth control. They can also be used alongside conventional care. They make a wonderful pair with Cycle Balance customized to your menstrual cycle and Daily Harmony to strengthen your body against the everyday stressors that can exacerbate PCOS symptoms. Elix is currently close to completing our independent clinical study on Daily Harmony and Cycle Balance for those with PCOS.

          Curious about how TCM can support your journey with PCOS? Click here to take the Health Assessment and find your recommended blend of herbs

          1. Polycystic ovary syndrome
          2. Effects of TCM on polycystic ovary syndrome and its cellular endocrine mechanism - PMC
          3. Effectiveness of co-treatment with traditional Chinese medicine and letrozole for polycystic ovary syndrome: a meta-analysis
          4. Acupuncture for ovulation induction in polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial | American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism
          5. Effect of Electro-acupuncture on Expression of IRS-1/PI3K/GLUT4 Pathway in Ovarian Granulosa Cells of Infertile Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-Insulin Resistance of Phlegm-Dampness Syndrome | Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine
          6. Efficacy and safety of Chinese patent medicine Xiao Yao San in polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis
          7. Paeoniflorin extract reverses dexamethasone-induced testosterone over-secretion through downregulation of cytochrome P450 17A1 expression in primary murine theca cells
          This article was reviewed by Dr. Elizabeth Fine.

          Dr. Elizabeth Fine is currently the Dean of Clinical Education at Emperor’s College, the #2 ranked colleges for TCM. She has been practicing Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for over 20 years, with a specialization in women’s reproductive health.

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