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Tea Time of the Month: The Best Herbal Drinks For Menstrual Cramps
Statistics say that up to 90% of women experience painful periods. Below are some of our favorite herbal teas that can help relieve cycle-related symptoms.
Phantom Period Pain: What to Know
A common question in the doctor’s office is “I’ve been experiencing what feels like menstrual cramps except I don’t actually bleed... What gives?” What may or may not surprise you is the origin of phantom period pain can be within the uterus or from somewhere else in the abdomen. Read on for more specifics about these
Hormonal Acne: How to Deal With and Heal Cycle-Related Acne
Hormonal acne happens because of fluctuations in hormone levels, specifically a rise in androgens or male hormones (like testosterone). Hormonal acne is particularly common in women because of a wide variety of factors like hormonal fluctuations during periods and menopause.
Women's Equality Day
In honor of Women’s Equality Day, we want to highlight some women who played key roles in the women’s suffrage movement. Today, we commemorate that momentous occasion, as well as celebrate women throughout history who fought for women’s rights, on Women’s Equality Day - August 26th.
Why We Ask so Many In-Depth Questions About Your Health
By asking in-depth questions about your health, Elix can create a tailored herbal treatment made just for you.